Monday, August 30, 2010

Fitting In

Recently I met with a gentleman in his 70’s.  He is a terrific man with years and years of experience as a lay leader in the Church.  It was lunch time as we sat down at a local Panera.
After some initial chit chat, we leaned into the heart of the matter.  This gentle Godly man was wrestling with his place in church.  After decades of service and teaching others, he was now at a place where he couldn’t figure out where he fit in the greater body of Christ.  For years he identified himself as someone who could teach and lead others through the Bible.  He loved nothing more than to communicate the Truths of scripture to a room full of hungry minds and hearts.  Recently though, his hearing has been failing.  With tears in his eyes he explained that he no longer can lead discussions with more than 2-3 people.  His ears are not able to filter out the background “noise” enough to stay focused.
This is a true tragedy in his life.  He no longer feels sure that he has a real place in the Church.  With humility and sincerity, he looks me square in the eyes and asks, “Where do I fit?  What do I have to offer any more?”
His question broke my heart.  Were there ways as a church that we had dropped the ball in this man’s life?  How had we let a man with so much wisdom, experience and knowledge feel so undervalued during the autumn of his life?  If he was feeling these things, then there must be others as well in similar situations with similar questions.
Looking into his eyes, it was clear what one of the answers was.  He needed to pour his years of faith into the lives of the generations behind him.  Though he is unable to lead a room full of people, he can still sit across from a man and impart wisdom and grace.  I replied, “You have so much to offer!  In this season of life, we as a church need your knowledge, wisdom and experience to be poured into and reproduced in the lives of other men.  Would you be willing to mentor others?”  I could see the idea filter through this seasoned saint.  Slowly, like a washcloth absorbing spilled milk, the idea soaked in.  With renewed light in his eyes he said, “I think I could do that.”  
Its been several weeks since we met and he is now mentoring a 50 year old gentleman.  He has renewed passion and a greater commitment than ever to reproducing Christlike vision, values and beliefs in others.

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