Thursday, July 7, 2011

i do myself

“I do myself”, says my three-year-old son.

This past Fourth of July we tried something new as a family—tubing.  Great friends of ours have a boat and have been offering to take all of us out on Standley Lake for weeks.  Monday, the fourth, was the first time we could get our schedules to line up.

Our kids were practically vibrating with glee as they ran through the house getting their swimsuits on and gathering up stuff for the lake.  Every 2-3 minutes one of our foursome would run up and say to me, “We’re going to the lake today!”  It is one of my simple and great joys to see unrestrained happiness scrolling across the faces of my children.

Everyone was about to walk out the door when I noticed our three-year-old son whimpering in a corner.  He had managed to pull his t-shirt over his head, but was struggling to get his arms in.  Standing there he looked like some redheaded mini-version of Houdini in a straightjacket.  It was obvious that he was stuck and in need of assistance.

“Here honey, let me help you.” I said.  “No Daddy.  I do myself” he replied.

After watching him struggle valiantly for a little while I finally stepped in and popped his arms through.


Bursting into tears, he ran into my wife’s arms crying as though I had ran over the family dog.  He was inconsolable.  How dare Daddy help him with his shirt?  How could Daddy to so inconsiderate as to take away this small slice of independence?

“Daddy was just trying to help”, my wife says.

Zach isn’t having it though.  From his perspective, I insensitively inserted myself into a situation that he was seeking to control.  He was willing to struggle and suffer rather than give up his independence by asking for help.

“I do myself”, was all that mattered.

How many times have I said the same thing to God?  How many times have I been stuck in a corner, clearly in over my head?  Instead of accepting and calling out for my Father’s help, I defiantly stand with my fist in the air and shout, “I DO MYSELF!”

This July, in addition to celebrating our independence as a nation, let’s take some time and embrace our dependence on our Heavenly Father.  Walk out of our corners.  Take our fists out of the air and declare our dependence.

“I need help Daddy.”

If you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.  Matthew 7:11