Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dam violence

The Sun breaking through the pine trees.  It begins as a glow, then some rays of light, then it fully breaks through to the sun.  The shadows depart and gently roll away.  Is this symbolic of the resurrection? 

Was the resurrection gradual?  Was it like a light switch or did the Light systematically invade and over come the darkness?  Or was it both?  Perhaps it was gradual.  
Perhaps during that last dark night, the Light slowly and systematically worked its way into and through the darkness.  Like a single crack working it's way through a dam.  One crack becomes two, two become three, three become six.  Exponentially the cracks increase until the power and weight of the water become a force that can no longer be restrained. 
Then at last comes the violent overthrow of the restraining power of the dam.  Lands that were dry, desolate and lifeless are now given access to the redemption of life giving and sustaining water.  The violence subsides and newness of life begins.
Yet just as soon as the dam collapses, the engineers of sin and separation begin feverishly drawing up plans for new and stronger dams.  Though life giving water begins to irrigate a previously parched spirit, the threat of future droughts linger.  Without vigilance, the heavy machines of temptation, insecurity and pride will build anew a blockage of isolation from the life giving water.